Tell us your Story…

Storytelling is truly living history. I love listening to my Dad tell me stories of his time on Scattery Island. He brings it alive, the characters, the whipping wind across the waves and the image of sitting in front of a crackling fire.
What stories would you tell about this time we are living in? While we are dreaming of a live after lockdown, we are going to offer a prize of a family trip to Scattery Island for the best story.
What not share your story with us?….
Imagine yourself sitting in front of the fire, in years to come and telling people about winter in 2020/21. Will it be about baking bread for the first time, or figuring out how to talk to relatives on Zoom? Will it be about the wonderful walks you discovered close to home? It could be about what you achieved and how you connected with your family in the most unforeseen circumstances.
Each of us has experienced a time like no other. Children have been home schooled. Pets, when not interrupting meetings have been treated to lots of walks. We have had shortages, posted lots of letters and parcels and indulged in new hobbies. Baking and making has had a resurgence, but most of all, we have all stayed at home to keep our loved ones safe.Sadly, we have lost loved ones too, and in many cases not been given the chance to say goodbye. All we are left with is the memories and the stories they have told us.
Winning through storytelling
We all need something to look forward to, and as 2021 is expected to be the year where holidays are staycations, Scattery Island Tours is giving away a family trip to the Island for the best story told. Make a short video, or write a short piece and tell us your story.
Entries are welcome from all ages and areas and should be submitted to by email to info@scatteryislandtours by the 21 February. We would also love to share your stories, so please be sure to include your name and contact details, and your permission to share.